
宿命观量表(Multidimensional Fatalism Scale for General Life Events,简称MFSG)是由张翔和佐斌于2018年根据Shen,Condit&Wright(2009)编制,以及Pifta Watson等(2017)修订的一般生活事件多维宿命观量表为基础,所修订的中文版本宿命观量表,具有良好的信度和效度。宿命观量表中文版共16个项目,包括先定(Predetermination)、运气(Luck)和悲观(Pessimism)三个维度,采用5级计分,1-5分代表“完全不同意”到“完全同意”得分越高,代表个体的宿命观水平越高。

宿命观量表(Multidimensional Fatalism Scale for General Life Events, MFSG)


  1. 如果有些事情注定要发生,那么不管我做什么它都会发生。
  2. 如果有危及我生命的事情发生,那我注定会因此而死去。
  3. 我能活多久是命中注定的。
  4. 当我注定要死时,我就会死去。
  5. 我的人生是由命运所决定的。
  6. 我的人生是由一些比我重要的东西所决定的。
  7. 如果我倒霉的话,一些坏事就会发生在我身上。
  8. 我生活中的很多事情都和运气有关。
  9. 我的生活结局如何只是个运气问题。
  10. 如果我幸运的话,我的生活会很好。
  11. 对我来说,一切都会出错。
  12. 在我的生活中会有很多痛苦。
  13. 我的生活会遭受很多苦难。
  14. 我经常在处理生活的问题上感到无助。
  15. 有时我觉得自己在生活中被摆布。
  16. 我真的没有办法解决我所遇到的一些问题。


宿命观 37.92±10.33

Multidimensional Fatalism Scale for General Life Events (MFS-G)

  1. If something is meant to happen to me, it doesn’t matter what I do, it will happen anyway.
  2. If something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter what I do.
  3. If something life threatening happens to me, that’s the way I was meant to die.
  4. If something bad is meant to happen to me, it will happen.
  5. If I get a serious disease and get treatment for it, I will probably still die from it.
  6. If something bad is meant to happen, and I try to do something to prevent it fromhappening, the bad thing will probably still happen.
  7. How long I live is predetermined.
  8. I will die when I am fated to die.
  9. My life is determined by fate.
  10. My life is determined by something greater than myself.
  11. Something bad will happen to me if I am unlucky.
  12. My life events are a matter of luck.
  13. How my life turns out is a matter of luck.
  14. My life will be good if I am lucky.
  15. Everything that can go wrong for me does.
  16. I will have a lot of pain in my life.
  17. I will suffer a lot in my life.
  18. I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life.
  19. Sometimes I feel that I’m being pushed around in life.
  20. There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have.

Scoring: Scores can be computed as mean or total scores. Predetermination items are #1–10; luck items are #11–14; pessimism items are #15–20.

Brandy Piña-Watson,Ana F. Abraído-Lanza.The intersection of Fatalismo and pessimism on depressive symptoms and suicidality of Mexican descent adolescents: an attribution perspective[J].Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2016, 23(1).DOI:10.1037/cdp0000115.