个人特性问卷(Personal Attributes Questionnaire,PAQ)


待人亲切 (E)
帮助别人 (E)
明白他人 (E)
仁慈 (E)
察觉别人的感受 (E)
感情丰富 (E)
与人相处时能全情投入 (E)
温柔 (E)
自信 (I)
决断 (I)
富竞争性 (I)
独立 (I)
高人一等 (I)
善于处理压力 (I)
永不放弃 (I)
活跃 (I)


Warm in relation with others (E)
Helpful to others (E)
Understanding of others (E)
Kind (E)
Aware of feelings of others (E)
Emotional (E)
Able to devote self completely to others (E)
Gentle (E)
Self-confident (I)
Can make decisions easily (I)
Competitive (I)
Independent (I)
Feels superior (I)
Stands up well under pressure (I)
Never gives up (I)
Active (I)

Note. E=expressivity item; I=instrumentality item

Moneta, G.B. Chinese Short Form of the Personal Attributes Questionnaire: Construct and Concurrent Validity. Sex Roles 62, 334–346 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-009-9730-5